Amber Sweetie Absolute

Adam Michael has this to say “So I am releasing this Amber Sweetie absolute blockbuster on Christmas night 2024. That’s right, the very same producer behind the much loved Amber Sweetie E.O started producing this Amber Sweetie absolute in the late summer of 2024 and it’s mind-blowingly good. The scent spectrum is vast and if you are in need of a truly sublime fixative and love labdanum and cistus aromatics, then this should be at the very top of your must try list.

So what does it smell like exactly! To my nose this opens with an array of smoked jams, from strawberry, raspberry, blackberry and maybe even a touch of peach. There are toasted sesame seed qualities here galore, charred toast effects, lots of aged leather, classic fig biscuit nuances better associated with rich, heavily aged, sexy smelling Spanish Cistus e.o productions (like the batches we source), add in a bucket load of honey profiles from Castagno, Heather, Linden and honeyed walnuts you know this is an epic ground-breaking beauty.

But we are not even started here, next up we have some smoky warmth in the form of amber crude distillations (Pinus succinifera), white birch e,o, cade e.o and finishing with epic notes comparable to the finest Cyprian Labdanum that we sell…and now apparently everyone else does even though there’s only really one chap going at it in 2024 and we buy up what he produces! Go figure!

This all follows on with huge plumes of sun drenched Mediterranean scrub qualities, woody tonalities galore and big blasts of savoury suave cistus floral resinous character. Finishing with opoponax, incense (trace black storax shavings), myrrh nuances and also we have notes here comparable to benzoin Siam crossed with peru balsam and completed with some vanillic traces. Weeks on the strip, swiped on my skin type this hit double digits in optimal form, pourable (thick), luscious orange red brown subject to volume or weight and produced by solvent extraction of both the branches and leaves of the cistus plant.

Uses, a must for forest floor accords, Mediterranean summer compositions, works wonder in Oriental fragrances, great for building dry woody bases, pairs great with resinous, woody and spiced aromatics and is a super fixative that all-natural perfumers absolutely need in there working library. 10 out of 10 on my score card”.

Botanical Name: Cistus ladanifer

Origin: France

Alcohol Soluble: Yes

Oil Soluble: Yes

Wholesale weights (all prices excluding vat): 100G = 100 Euros. 250G = 200 Euros. 1 Kilo = 650 Euros