Apple Juice CO2 (TOTAL)
Adam Michael has this to say “The aroma of apple CO2 is rich intense apple, golden apple juicy, apple zesty, green and somewhat candy sweet. The scent is comparable to the taste of drinking chilled apple juice with a fizzy, sugary, apple sweet shop nuance in the heart. Seldom rarely offered, clear in colour, a total co2 and produced from the fruit distillate.”
Botanical Name: Malus sylvestris
Origin: Germany
Select/Total Extract: Total
Safety Data: This product contains ethanol and water and has a flash point of < 20c. This material will not dilute in carrier oil or in diluents such as IPM due to the water content. Therefore this material is solely of use to the perfumer. We advise in perfumery that this material is used at up to about 10% of the composition. If you work with pre-diluted materials at 10% in ethanol then this material should be used neat. For those who prefer to work with pure materials, apple CO2 should be added last because the mixture will go cloudy at that point – once the ethanol is added to dilute to EdT strength it will go clear again – but leaving it clouded for days on end risks bacterial growth starting so isn’t wise.
Always keep the cap securely fastened on the bottle when not in use. The bottle should have plenty of air space and we provide this material in larger bottles to allow sufficient air space. Store and handle in a well- ventilated place. Keep cool.